Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Stop suffering part 2

I want you to ask yourself this question "I am I a child of God?" Well the answer is in ROMANS chapter 8 verse 9 " whoever does not have the spirit of Christ does not belong to him."

If you claim that you are a Child of God but not born by the spirit .That simply means that you are still living under the Law, You are cursed and you are still a slave.

As it is said in the scripture GALATIANS Chapter 4 verse 21-26
" let me ask those of you who want to be subject to the Law: do you not hear what the Law says?  It says that Abraham had two sons, one by a slave-woman, the other by a free woman. His son by the slave-woman was born in the usual way, but his son by the the free woman was born as the result of God's promise.

These things can be understood as a figure: the two women represent two covernents. The one whose children are born in slavery is hagar, and she represents the covernent made at mount Sinai . Haga, who stands for mount Sinai in Arabia, is a figure of the present city of Jerusalem, in slavery with all its people. But the heavenly Jerusalem is free, and she is our mother."

If you are not a born again Christian you are still a slave. But if you want to be free from the Law, you have to be born again by the spirit of God

What is a born again Christian?

A born again Christian is a person who dies to him/herself. You put to death your old life and become a new creation that belongs to God, meaning that you are saved from death.

            Who is the holy spirit?

EPHESIANS Chapter 1 verse 14 " the spirit is the guarantee that we shall receive what God has promised his people, and this assures us that God will give complete freedom to those who are his.

The spirit is your leader, he guides and leads you according to God's ways .

The spirit is your protecter, He protects you from all dangers. That means spells of witchcraft has no power over your life, no 666 demons has power over your life, no traditional doctors has power over your life, No gods can defeat the power of the Holy Spirit.There is nothing on this earth that can defeat the power of the Holy spirit.  Satan himself does not have power over you. Death has no power over you and you are free.

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